Buford Georgia Real Estate

List and Sell Your Buford Georgia Real Estate with Our Wide Range of Services From Flat Fee to Full Service.
First of all our complete full service listing is unique because we own a photography company and do our own web development. Furthermore, our full service listings includes our photography service and a unique website for your home like 123MainSt.com. This unique website for your home will also include a slide show of your home and a complete description and pricing of your home. In addition, your home will be featured in over 30,000 Real Estate websites through the Georgia Multiple Listing Service (GAMLS). In addition to listing in the GAMLS, we also list your home with the First Multiple Listing Service (FMLS).
Dream Street is local veteran owned real estate company.
Furthermore, we are a boutique company owned by Atlanta area natives Jim and Judy Crawford with over 38 years of experience each in the Atlanta area Real Estate market. Most of all, this allows us to provide you with excellent full service for your real estate needs.
Call: 404-663-0793

Buford Georgia Real Estate Listings

Including the Mall of Georgia area and The Gwinnett Stadium area of Buford!

Jim and Judy Crawford, 770-513-1503

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